Lyn began with Camden MOW over 30 years ago!
For someone who is still learning about Camden Meals on Wheels, it was excellent for me to meet someone involved in the local organisation from its beginning. Lyn told me about the three main milestones for Camden Meals on Wheels and filled me in on a few details of the organisation.
Early days at Camden Hospital…
Meals on Wheels began at Camden Hospital in 1970. In those days, food was served at the hospital and volunteers would scoot around the area to home deliver meals. Lyn remembers that Joe Lahood, the fruiterer from Elderslie, used to donate fresh fruit each week.
Next stop, Carrington Care…
From the hospital, they moved to Carrington Care at Ellis Lane, with a similar setup. Food was cooked from the Carrington Care kitchen and volunteers would deliver to the Camden area. It was a convenient setup that worked well.
Camden Meals on Wheels eventually established it own presence at 18 Little Street Camden. All meals and community programs are now coordinated via the Camden head quarters. Meals are received via regular deliveries from three main suppliers, including Meals on Wheels in Bathurst which manufactures to the specific requirements of the organisation. Chilled and frozen meals are prepared onsite for local delivery. At the Little Street location, the parking area is shared with Grinners Catering – it’s all about food at the corner of Little Street Camden!
Lyn’s involvement with community services
As my conversation with Lyn went on, I realised how much time and effort she has given to help others. Besides volunteering at Camden Meals on Wheels, Lyn is the current President for VIEW Club (The Smith Family). The Presidency changes every three years. Overall, Lyn has served the club for 36 years and has been a President on-and-off over the past 18 years. Lyn sets the perfect example of community spirit.
Now as a client…
There is often a cross over between client and volunteer. Lyn described to how being a volunteer and also receiving services is working fantastically for herself and husband, Roy.
As the loving wife and all-round caring person that she is, Lyn provides support to her husband Roy who is experiencing the onset of Alzheimer’s. Periodically, Roy has Meals on Wheels visit their home to share a meal and a social visit as part of the Meals Mates program. While Roy is spending time with his Meal Mate (which he always looks forward to) Lyn gets out of the house and volunteers, so she can help out, catch up with friends and socialise.
As a client of Meals on Wheels, Lyn said that the “support” is the most important part of the service. While the food is convenient, she said “I can rely on the staff as if they were my own family. This isn’t a part of their advertised services, but I just know that if I ever needed help at short notice I could make a phone call and someone will assist me.” She said there is a caring mentality among staff that is very reassuring.
There is no doubt that Lyn is an integral part of Camden Meals on Wheels and a valued member of the local community. Lyn said that she thoroughly enjoys volunteering and attending Little Corner Community Cafe events.
Favourite meal?
“You can’t beat a baked dinner.”
Thank you from Meals on Wheels and all of Camden!
You set a fine example for all of us. Lyn, we are sharing your story on social media to raise awareness, encourage and motivate others. Thanks for all your help.