On 26th August, Meals on Wheels Camden are proud to celebrate our team of more than 80 volunteers. Our volunteers contribute to our mission to nourish, care for and strengthen communities.

“We are so thankful to our volunteers for continuing to support our important mission to provide our local customers with more than just a meal.” Meals on Wheels Camden Manager Gary de Jong said.

During the 2019-2020 financial year our team of 80 wonderful volunteers:

  • served over 27,000 nutritious and delicious meals;
  • supported more than 230 customers to remain engaged members of their community;
  • provided over 2,600 transport support services helping our customers complete their daily tasks;
  • provided 4,000 hours of social support services including meal mates and our Little Corner Community Cafe.

These vital services allow our customers to continue to live independently with the support of Meals on Wheels Camden.

To find out more about volunteering with Meals on Wheels Camden visit Our Volunteer Page

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