Celebrating 50 Years In Camden

Camden Meals on Wheels celebrated 50 years of service to the community of Camden on 28 September 2020.

 We help the elderly community of Camden, but our impact goes so much further.  We also help families, giving them a sense of security and comfort that their loved ones are being cared for. We are excited about the growth in the Camden area, and are putting in place plans to be able to service the growing population for the next 50 years and beyond.  We provide a meal and so much more, helping clients access social activities and transport support to get them to medical appointments and shopping trips.  These important services allow clients to continue to live independently with the support of Meals on Wheels Camden.”

 At Camden Meals on Wheels:

We nourish. Providing nutritionally sound delicious meals for clients.

We care. Providing wellness checks, social support and transport services.

We strengthen our community.  Supporting our community through social events, community outreach as well as providing volunteer opportunities.

 If you need support or help, call the office on 02 4655 6822.

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