Welcome and Hello web reader,

My name is Chris I started as Manager 30th August 2023.

I was retired for 7 years, although I am vice chairman of a 79 apartment timeshare resort in Port Macquarie. The position as manager became vacant. Whilst I was a volunteer doing meal runs with my wife for five years, I had a desire to do more for my Camden community.  I applied and was appointed!!

So from retirement, I have had an extreme learning curve,. I had no real concept of the complexity of the job. Dealing with Camden Council, State Parliamentarian and a Federal M.P. long discussions with Dept of Health aged care, Department of Social Services, coming to grips with how much I didn’t know about computer systems.

I consider myself very lucky that I have Robyn Community Program Coordinator, Jessica in Admin, Teresa in Accounts and our newest team member Billie as Kitchen Attendant.

We are a very small but hard working team to make our aged client base as happy as we can and living at home longer. Jessica manages the daily meal delivery runs utilising the army of volunteers. Robyn capably coordinates transports to take clients to doctor’s appointments or just a trip to the shops, Social events through our Little Corner Community Café, which we don’t really have a café, but we take clients out on bus tours or run games days at a community hall and the like. Our tiny team is a happy one!!! We are always looking for volunteers, it’s rewarding work taking just a couple of hours when rostered on, we love to get a smile and a laugh with our clients and they enjoy the interaction with our volunteers.


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