
More than just a meal!

Contact us Call: (02) 4655 6822
Celebrating 50 Years in Camden

Celebrating 50 Years in Camden

Celebrating 50 Years In Camden Camden Meals on Wheels celebrated 50 years of service to the community of Camden on 28 September 2020.  We help the elderly community of Camden, but our impact goes so much further.  We also help families, giving them a sense of security...

Celebrating our Volunteers | National Meals on Wheels Day

Celebrating our Volunteers | National Meals on Wheels Day

On 26th August, Meals on Wheels Camden are proud to celebrate our team of more than 80 volunteers. Our volunteers contribute to our mission to nourish, care for and strengthen communities. “We are so thankful to our volunteers for continuing to support our important...

Calling for Donations Before Christmas 2017

Calling for Donations Before Christmas 2017

Christmas Toy Raffle Every year Camden Meals on Wheels has a Christmas Toy Raffle which raises money to support our services to the community. We can only do this raffle with the charitable support of local people who donate toys. If any individuals or businesses...

2017 Annual Centenarian Luncheon

2017 Annual Centenarian Luncheon

On Monday 15th May, Camden Meals on Wheels held its annual Centenarian Luncheon, celebrating the amazing lives of May Dobbs, 102, Phyliss Stuart, 101, Ruth Cornhill, 99, and Winifred Evans, 99. It was also a celebration to acknowledge the 16 centenarians living in the...

Staying Healthy at the Change of Season

Staying Healthy at the Change of Season

Tips to stay healthy With the cool change of season, you may be noticing people getting sick with coughs, colds or flu. These simple tips may help you resist getting sick yourself! 1. Drink lots of water. It might be tempting to sip on hot drinks in colder weather....

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