Spotlight on Fran Ferris
15 Years a Volunteer to Meals on Wheels Fran has a friendly and upbeat personality that clearly makes a positive impact on the clients and staff at Camden Meals on Wheels. Before moving to Camden in 2010, Fran lived in Dubbo and was a volunteer at Meals on Wheels...

Facebook Promo – Win Free Meals!
Like Our Facebook Page and Respond in 100 Words or Less To Enter Simply "Like" our Facebook Page and write in 100 words or less: "Why do you want to win free meals?" You can receive the prize yourself or donate your prize to another person. Management and Staff at...

Spotlight on Agnes Featherstone
Sixty Years in Camden This is what caring for the Camden community is all about. Agnes migrated to Australia when she was just 13 years old on the 7th of January, 1950. Agnes' family settled near Camden Park when her father gained employment as a Milkman. Growing up...

Spotlight on Lyn Langley
Lyn began with Camden MOW over 30 years ago! For someone who is still learning about Camden Meals on Wheels, it was excellent for me to meet someone involved in the local organisation from its beginning. Lyn told me about the three main milestones for Camden Meals on...

Wednesday 27th July – Xmas in July
$15pp Wednesday, July 27 at 12 PM - 3 PM Join us for lunch and a social gathering at 18 Little Street Camden.

Expansion for Camden Meals on Wheels
A Successful Year-End for MOW During 2015 and 2016, the Camden Meals on Wheels team knuckled down to promote and streamline the service. We tightened our connections with Meals on Wheels NSW and Meals on Wheels Australia by bringing our branding into line with the...